We are pleased to announce the Call for Problems (CfP) for the 2021 edition of the NWERC programming contest.
The tentative date for the contest is 20 to 21 November, 2021, and is expected to take place in either online or distributed form. Submitters of selected candidate problems will become part of the NWERC 2021 Jury. They are expected to assist in the preparations of the final contest problem set, and they are expected to be available during the event. We allow combining the role of judge with the role of team coach. Please take great care to not confuse the roles, though!
Questions regarding this call can be posed to: cfp-2021@nwerc.eu
The deadline for submitting candidate problems is July 11, 2021.
The selection committee aims to select a subset of the submitted problems for use in the contest by mid-August. Selection criteria include problem novelty, and the goal of making a well-balanced problem set in terms of algorithmic topics, and degrees of problem difficulty. You are encouraged to submit at least two candidate problems for consideration rather than one.
If your problem(s) are accepted, you will become part of the NWERC 2021 Jury. You are expected to have time available in the period from late August to November, in order to discuss improvements to your (and other jury members') problems. You are also expected to become a proofreader and implementer of at least one selected problem that is not your own.
If your problem(s) are not accepted, we will destroy all records kept of them. This allows re-submission of the problem(s) for use in another contest. Upon request, it is possible to have problems simultaneously considered for one of the subregional contests NCPC and UKIEPC.
More information on the submission requirements, the submission process and simultaneous submissions can be found below.
Problem submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:
We will need a variety of problem difficulties to make a well-balanced problem set. Do not hesitate to submit (relatively) simple problems for consideration.
Please use the following setup for problem submission.
We will be using the official ICPC problem format. If you want to use it when submitting your proposal the format is documented here: http://www.problemarchive.org/wiki/index.php/Problem_Format
You can find example problem packages here.
The candidate problems are highly confidential. While not mandatory we suggest that the ZIP files are delivered to us in a safe (encrypted) manner. You can download the public PGP key when submitting a candidate problem. If you have a PGP key, please use it to sign your submission.
Send the submission to: cfp-2021@nwerc.eu.
If you haven't used PGP for encrypting before, you are encouraged to send an encrypted file containing the text "A little nonsense" to cfp-2021@nwerc.eu to practice before sending your submission.
You will receive a signed acknowledgement once the submission has been received and properly decrypted.
If you wish for your problem submission to also be considered for usage in either the Nordic or UK & Ireland subregional contests (NCPC and UKIEPC) in case it is not selected for NWERC, you can add the sentence "This problem may be considered for X." (where X is one of NCPC or UKIEPC), to the README.txt file of your submission.
Adding this sentence will not affect whether or not the problem is selected for NWERC, and your submission will only be considered for the respective subregional if the problem is not selected for NWERC and the sentence is added.